Monday, 22 October 2012


Here I had quite a problem.
Not about making the dough, not about baking it, for sure not about eating it. The real problem was actually to call it. Arrived at the crucial moment, I didn’t really know if what I had just baked was a bunch of cupcakes, or muffins. Well, at the end of the day –one might say- you ate them all and they were crazy good, so.
But it becomes a problem when you have to title a recipe. Eh.
So I gathered some information and I found out there are three ways to distinguish a muffin from a cupcake:
-          Muffins are usually eaten for breakfast, therefore they’re bigger then cupcakes, that are normally eaten in the afternoon, say tea-time. –Mine were the size of muffin, but got eaten at cupcakes time. Uhm-
-          Cupcakes, besides being smaller, are usually frosted, while muffins are not, and the’re likely to contain pieces of fruit. – Ok, it seems mine are muffins then. My bad to eat them at the wrong hour-
-          It is also said, though, that muffins are usually prepared using oil, while cupcakes are made with butter. –Oh, so mine seem to finally be cupcakes. As much as they are muffins, at least-
Well, I can’t really tell what I baked.
What I can tell you, though, is that it was really good.


Makes about 12 cupcakes
-          2 cups all-purpose flour
-          1 cup white granular sugar
-          1cup brown sugar
-          1 tea-spoon baking powder
-          ½ tea-spoon salt
-          1 cup (2 sticks) butter
-          4 eggs
-          1 cup milk
-          1 banana
-          Dark chocolate
1-      Preheat oven to 325 degrees.
2-      In a large bowl mix together flour, sugar, baking powder, salt and butter. Hand mix until everything’s combined.
3-      In a second bowl, whisk together eggs and milk.
4-      Start adding wet ingredients to dry ones, beating until ingredients are incorporated.
5-      Chop the banana and the dark chocolate, and add to the batter.
6-      Divide batter evenly, filling the cupcake forms about 2/3.
7-      Bake for about 15 – 20 minutes: you’ll know they’re ready when a knife inserted in the center comes out clean.
8-      Once baked, transfer to a wire rack to cool completely.
9-      Enjoy!

Dosi per circa 12 muffins
-          2 tazze di farina
-          1 tazza di zucchero granulare bianco
-          1 tazza di zucchero di canna
-          1 cucchiaino di lievito in polvere
-          ½ cucchiaino di sale
-          200 gr di burro
-          4 uova
-          1 tazza di latte
-          1 banana
-          Cioccolato fondente per dolci

1-      Preriscaldare il forno a 180°.

2-      In una ciotola abbastanza larga, mattete la farina, lo zucchero, il lievito, il sale e il burro. Mescolate con le mani fino a che il burro avrà creato un impasto. Non preoccupatevi, non importa che sia omogeneo.
3-      In una seconda ciotola, sbattete insieme il latte e le uova.
4-      Iniziate a versare la parte liquida nella ciotola degli ingredienti asciutti, mescolando fino a che tutti gli ingredienti non saranno ben amalgamati.
5-      Tagliate la banana e il cioccolato a pezzetti, dopodichè aggiungeteli all’impasto.
6-      Dividete l’impasto ottenuto in parti uguali riempiendo gli stampi dei vostri muffin fino a circa 2/3.
7-       Infornate e lasciate cuocere per circa 15 – 20 minuti. Saprete che sono pronti quando un coltello infilato al centro ne uscirà pulito.
8-      Una volta cotti, lasciateli raffreddare sopra ad una griglia.
9-      Godeteveli!

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