Friday, 25 October 2013

Apple cake, or WHY WE LOVE AUTUMN

Well well.
To keep the pace with all the people that were singing the praises of autumn long ago, when it actually arrived, I also had my 
"welcome, autumn!" 
I had all these pictures of beautiful berries on the weirdest tries and in the weirdest colours taken at the weirdest times of the day. A really nice project, I have to say.
And then the disgrace happened: our camera vanished. I really prefer to believe in magic, even though obscure magic, and believe it disappeared in a glittering cloud rather then to think that someone actually stole it (which, for the boring and sad non-believers, given the circumstances, seems to be the most probable option.)
Well, that's why in this post there are no pictures. Good thing is that you don't really need to see an apple cake to imagine how fragrant and inviting it might be.

So, before starting I have to tell you a little something 'cause, if normally I'm not really precise with measures, well, this time it went even further. Apparently something went wrong during the measuring process -although I feel like saying that wrong is not at all the right word. I mean, if you planned to bake one delicious apple cake, and at the end you find yourself with a lot more, something went definitely magic, not wrong.- So, as I was saying, something went magical and, what was supposed to be one normal-size cake turned out being: 
one normal side cake,
 three mini-size-cakes, 
one overflowing muffin.
So, I suggest you carefully follow the instructions only if you're planning to eat a lot, of apple cake.
By the way, to compensate the lack of pictures, I tried to make this post visually appealing anyway. I hope you appreciate the effort. 
I could also do colours but, honestly, that really felt too much.

Here is, just in case you're not funny and you didn't like my polifontic previous version, an easier-to-read one.

Well well.
To keep the pace with all the people that were singing the praises of autumn long ago, when it actually arrived, I also had my

"welcome, autumn!"


I had all these pictures of beautiful berries on the weirdest tries and in the weirdest colours taken at the weirdest times of the day. A really nice project, I have to say.

And then the disgrace happened: our camera vanished. I really prefer to believe in magic, even though obscure magic, and believe it disappeared in a glittering cloud rather then to think that someone actually stole it (which, for the boring and sad non-believers, given the circumstances, seems to be the most probable option.)

Well, that's why in this post there are no pictures. Good thing is that you don't really need to see an apple cake to imagine how fragrant and inviting it might be.

So, before starting I have to tell you a little something 'cause, if normally I'm not really precise with measures, well, this time it went even further. Apparently something went wrong during the measuring process -although I feel like saying that wrong is not at all the right word. I mean, if you planned to bake one delicious apple cake, and at the end you find yourself with a lot more, something went definitely magic, not wrong.- So, as I was saying, something went magical and, what was supposed to be one normal-size cake turned out being:

one normal side cake,
three mini-size-cakes,
one overflowing muffin.

So, I suggest you carefully follow the instructions only if you're planning to eat a lot, of apple cake.

1 + 2/3 cups flour
4 apples
1 + 1/2  cups sugar
3 eggs
75gr butter
1 glass of milk
1 + 1/2 tsp baking soda
1 lemon

1- Peel and slice the apples, then let them marinate in the juice of one lemon and a couple TBS sugar

2- In the meanwhile, beat the yolks with the sugar. In a separate bowl, beat the whites until stiff.

3- Add to the yolks-and-sugar-batter: the sifted flour, baking soda, the butter that you had previously taken out from the fridge (and that you have also reduced in small pieces) and the milk. Mix everything well and, at least, add also the yolks, paying attention in stirring them gently and from down upwards.

4- Fold in also the apples, but keep aside enough to cover the top of the cake.

5- Pour the batter in a greased an sugared form, then get creative and decorate it with the apples you kept aside.

6- Bake for some 40 minutes at 180°F

NOTE: If you make drawings with your apples, check your cake properly before taking it out from the oven: being covered might make baking times a bit longer. If you don't feel creative and you were not in the mood to draw, leave it anyway in the oven for 40 minutes. If you think the top is getting brown a little too fast, cover it with some aluminium.

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