Sunday, 18 November 2012


If you are a yogurt freak, or a summery-desserts freak, or a yogurt-summery-desserts freak and you were already starting to despair in front of the relentless advance of winter, 
here i come to rescue you.
All you need is a kind of a heavy dinner –calzoni, for example- that you might want to eat right next to the oven –because, as the host, you’ll have to constantly check the baking process- oven, I was saying, set to 220C°/428F° (more or less, but still). 
Just a few things and the trick is done: the only thing you would want to eat right after will be a refreshing yogurt dessert.
Good thing about this dessert is that, if you take care to heat yourself up in advance, you can have this dessert at any time of the year: the original recipe was in fact featuring forest fruits that, in a belgian november, are a kind of difficult to be found. But you can just give it a little twist and use any fruit that comes to your mind.
Now, let’s go and be creative.


-          50 ml water (when you don’t have a graduated glass, beer glasses are coming really helpful)
-          2 ts cornstarch
-          250 gr fruit
-          20 gr sugar
-          450 gr natural yogurt
-          1 TBS honey
-          muesli

1-      Start cooking –on a low fire- the fruits (to be really creative, you could also mix more that one kind. I was just really autumny, got pears) of your choice in a pot with the water and the sugar. Leave it for let’s say 5 minutes or, in any case, until when the fruit will start melting to a marmalade-like consistency.
2-      Melt two tea-spoons of cornstarch into a bit of water, and pour it into your fruit marmalade, leaving on the fire for a few more minutes. Then, pour it into 4 glasses and put them in the fridge for about 20 minutes.
3-      In the meanwhile, add a spoon of liquid honey to your natural yogurt and stir until they’re perfectly mixed (well, or even not. Just do it the way you like it).
4-      Take the glasses out of the fridge and add the yogurt. Then, add the last layer covering everything with muesli (I chose the one with pieces of chocolate in it.)
5-      Put them back in the fridge until serving!

-          50 ml acqua (quando non si ha un bicchiere graduato, quelli di birra si rivelano particolarmente utili)
-          2 cucchiaini amido di mais
-          250 gr frutta
-          20 gr zucchero
-          450 gr yogurt al naturale
-          1 cucchiaio di miele
-          muesli


1-      versate in un pentolino l’acqua e lo zucchero e cuocetevi, a fuoco basso, la frutta (per essere veramente creativi potreste anche mischiare più di un tipo di frutta. Io mi sentivo molto autunnale ed ho optato per le pere). Lasciate cuocere per circa 5 minuti, o fino a quando la frutta non comincerà a sciogliersi e ad avere la consistenza di una marmellata.
2-      Sciogliete due cucchiaini di amido di mais in un po’d’acqua e versatela nella vostra “marmellata”, lasciando il tutto sul fuoco ancora per qualche minuto. Dopodichè, versate il tutto in 4 bicchieri e metteteli in frigo per circa 20 minuti.
3-      Nel frattempo, aggiungete allo yogurt un cicchiaio di miele e mescolate fino a che non saranno ben amalgamati (o anche no. insomma, come preferite).
4-      Prendete I bicchieri dal frigo e aggiungete lo yogurt, quindi aggiungete anche l’ultimo strato coprendo tutto di muesli (io ci ho messo quello con I pezzetti di cioccolata).
5-      Rimettete I bicchieri in frigo e lasciateceli fino al momento di servire!

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